La Commission Interprétation juridique et judiciaire a le plaisir de vous inviter au séminaire organisé à Strasbourg les 15 et 16 octobre 2010 grâce à l’engagement et au soutien de la Chef interprète, Madame Sally Bailey-Ravet et des collègues du service interprétation de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme.
La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme et l’interprétation juridique
The European Court of Human Rights and legal interpretation
9.00 Welcome of Participants at the main entrance of the Human Rights Building
9.30 Short address by Christiane Driesen, convenor of the AIIC Committee for Court and Legal Interpretation. Introduction by Sally Bailey-Ravet, Head Interpreter of the Council of Europe in the main hearing room (visit of the main hearing room)
10.00 General introduction to the European Court of Human Rights : jurisdiction and procedures
Presentation by M. Michael O’Boyle, Deputy Registrar of the European Court of Human Rights (English)
11-11.30 Coffee Break
11.30 Presentation of the case-law of the ECHR – major judgements
Presentation by Sir Nicolas Bratza, Vice-President of the European Court of Human Rights
13.00 Lunch at the cantine of the ECHR
14.30 Working with interpreters
Presentation by a Judge at the ECHR (name to be confirmed)
16-16.30 Coffee break
16.30 Organisation of the ECHR and HUDOC database : presentation by Brigitte Lotz, Central Office and Archives
17.30 Discussion
18.30 End of meeting
20.00 Dinner in a Strasbourg restaurant
09.00 European Court of Human Rights case-law on the right to language assistance in criminal proceedings
Presentation by James Brannan, translator, English language Division
10.00 The untold challenges confronting a conference interpreter working for an international court of law
Presentation by Philippe Quaine, staff interpreter, Council of Europe
11.00 The Yukos Hearing :
– preparation of the case : Vadym Pak, case lawyer at the ECHR
– preparation of the hearing : Chloé Chénetier, staff interpreter at the CoE
– webcasting agreement : Sally Bailey-Ravet, Head interpreter
– viewing of part of the webcast of the Yukos hearing.
12.30 Debriefing
13.30 End of seminar
For more information and registration, please click here.
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