With flights in Europe cancelled, the Executive Committee of EULITA could not hold its spring meeting in Vienna. Thanks to Skype, ExCom members communicated electronically and took decisions on a number of important issues (admission of full and associate members, international regulations, membership benefits, website, place and date of general meeting, etc.). Further details on these topics will be published soon.
At the virtual meeting of the EULITA Executive Committee, a first series of applications for full and associate members was admitted.
Associations and organizations, as well as universities and individual legal interpreters and translators, interested in joining EULITA can do so now, as the Executive Committee will meet again in June, and admissions will be one of the items on the agenda.
Members admitted by the Executive Committee of EULITA 19 – 20 April 2010
Full members:
APCI, Association of Police and Court Interpreters,
APTIJ, Asociación Profesional de Traductores e Intérpretes Judicales y Jurados,
CRETA, Chambre Régionale des Experts Traducteurs Assermentés d’Alsace,
TEPIS, Society of Sworn and Specialized Translators,
UNETICA, Union Nationale des Experts Traducteurs-Interprètes Près les Cours d‘Appel,
ÖVGD, Österreichischer Verband der allgemein beeideten und gerichtlich zertifizierten Dolmetscher,
Associate members:
Department of Translation Studies of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
EFSLI, The European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters
ZHAW, Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen, Switzerland
Brugnoli Patrizia, Italy
Kahaner Steven M. , USA
Koroglaniduo-Ketsetzi Sofia, Greece
Oosterkamp Jan Wybe, Colombia
Vasilyeva Polina, Russia
Vitale Silvana, UK
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