Portuguese versions of the Final Report of the Reflection Forum on Multilingualism and Interpreter Training, Vademecum – Guidelines for a more effective communication with interpreters and translators, the article "Legal Interpreting and Translation in the EU: Justice, Freedom and Security through Language" and the Final Report of the Special Interest Group on Translation and Interpreting for Public Services are now available under “Relevant documents” in the “LIT materials” section. The texts were translated by Claudia Fernanda Areias Valadao, a student at the Departamento de Estudos Ingleses e Norte-Americanos, BabeliUM, Braga, Portugal. The translations were revised by Fernando Gonçalves Ferreira Alves, Professor Auxiliar Convidado at the Instituto de Letras e Ciências Humanas. The translation project was sponsored by EULITA under its newly established VOLUNTARIAT programme whereby EULITA associate members, particularly universities training interpreters and translators, are invited to cooperate with EULITA and to revise diploma projects or doctoral theses of their students on subjects of legal interpreting and translation. The approved texts are then published on the EULITA website. – Please contact EULITA at info@eulita.eu for more details on the VOLUNTARIAT programme.
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