On 29 June 2020 the EULITA General Assembly, convoked online according to the Belgian Royal Decree n.4 of 9 April 2020, elected a new board whose mandate will last three years.
Ms Daniela Amodeo Perillo (IT) was confirmed as President; Ms Laura Izquierdo Valverde (ES) and Joanna Miler-Cassino (PL) are the two new Vice-Presidents; Ms Sandrine Détienne (FR) was confirmed as Treasurer and Ms Barbara Rovan (SI) elected as new Secretary; Mr Karl Apsel (IE) and Mr Jan Runesten (SE) were elected members.
The Assembly thanked Ms Katy Stifterova (CZ) and Geoffrey Buckingham (UK) for their precious contribution. After two mandates the EULITA Constitution did not allow them to run for another term.
The objectives the new Executive Committee intends to pursue are among those indicated in the EULITA Constitution, i.e. advance the quality of legal translation and legal interpreting, stimulate appropriate training and research, enable mutual recognition of qualifications and practice in the EU, promote strict adherence to a professional code of ethics.
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