Closing meeting of the NETPRALAT project, 25 March 2021, 16:00 CET-18:00 CET (ZOOM)
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We cordially invite you to attend a meeting to showcase results of the training program in assisting criminal suspects at the pre-trial stage of criminal proceedings implemented in Lithuania, Poland and Spain, as well as cross-border in the European Union.
Lawyers were trained to apply EU Procedural Rights Directives in pre-trial proceedings (safeguards in criminal proceedings) when assisting their clients, with a special focus on the right to translation and psycho-social needs of clients in detention.
The program aimed to foster the development of active, reflective and client-centred practice of criminal defence. Participants took part part in roleplays simulating real situations that lawyers encounter in their practice. The program was designed by a multi-disciplinary team, which consisted of criminal defence lawyers, academics, psychologists and experts in adult professional education and learning.
Training topics included:
- communication skills during lawyer-client consultations
- psycho-social needs of (detained) clients and various vulnerabilities linked to detention
- working with interpreters
- effective participation in interrogations
- effective communication with investigative authorities
At this webinar you will learn about the training program and hear personal testimonies from trainers and participants. You will also learn about the experiences of implementing similar trainings on a national level. This webinar is for criminal defence practitioners, persons involved in professional education of lawyers, and all others interested in quality of criminal legal assistance, as well as innovation in training criminal justice professionals.
Please forward this information to others who you think might be interested to attend.
For more information contact us at or visit:
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