The Many Facets of Legal Interpreting and Translation
Date: 30-31 March 2017
Arbitration vs. Litigation – A Panel Discussion:
- Arbitration – An Alternative to Court Proceedings
Max Burger-Scheidlin, Managing Director, ICC Austria - Arbitration – An Overview of the Procedure
Peter Csoklich, lawyer and arbitrator, DSC Rechtsanwälte, Austria - Arbitration – The Role of the Interpreter and/or Translator
Sarah Rossi, AIIC interpreter, France
Interpreting in Mediation
Erik Hertog, emeritus professor, KU Leuven, Belgium
Interpreter-Mediated Questioning of Minors: An Urgent Matter (CO-Minor-IN/QUEST II)
Prof. Katalin Balogh, Prof. Heidi Salaets; both KU Leuven, Faculty of Arts, Campus Antwerp, Belgium
DESIGNS – VET Approaches to Creating Employment for Sign Language Users in Europe
Ivana Bućko, efsli President; Marinella Salami, efsli Executive Director; Haaris Sheikh, Chief Executive of Interesource Group (Ireland) Limited
One Trial – Four Languages: The Interpreters at the Nuremberg Trials
George Drummond, Member of the AIIC Committee for Court and Legal Interpreting, Germany
Überblick über das Beglaubigen und Beurkunden von übersetzten Dokumenten in Europa
Rudolf Kaindl, Notary, Honorary President of CNUE (Council of the Notariats of the European Union), Austria
DIS 20228 – An ISO Standard on Legal Interpreting
Liese Katschinka, EULITA President
The Professional Profile of Legal Interpreters and Translators – UNI 11591:2015 Standard
Orietta Olivetti, AITI Vice-chair, Italy
Zusammenarbeit von Dolmetschern/Übersetzern mit Justiz- und Verwaltungsbehörden am Beispiel des deutschen Stadtstaates Hamburg: Erfahrungen, neueste Entwicklungen und Initiativen des ADÜ Nord e. V.
Jörg G . Schmidt, ADÜ Nord e. V. Senior Advisor, Germany
Legal Professionals and Translators in Interaction: A Model to be Followed?
Eva Gorgolová, KST ČR President; Ondřej Klabal, legal translator, Palacký University; both Czech Republic
„Sie sprechen aber gut deutsch!“ – Für eine notwendige Verbesserung der Kommunikation zwischen Sprachmittlern und Juristen
Evangelos Doumanidis, VVU e. V. President, Germany
Mobile EU Citizens and the Use of Minority Languages in Court Proceedings
Martina Bajčić, Adrijana Martinović; both: University of Rijeka, Croatia
The following two presentations could not be accommodated in the conference programme:
Perspectives de la traduction et de l’interprétation au sein des services publics italiens
Paola Biagini, ANTIMI Steering Board Member, Italy
A Crash Course for Future Translators
Yveta Linhartová, Language Centre, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
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