ImPLI – Improving Police and Legal Interpreting
With the aim to contribute to the implementation of DIRECTIVE 2010/64/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 20 October 2010 on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings, especially articles 2 and 6, our project has a twofold objective:
- to provide interpreter training institutes with a better understanding of the interviewing techniques developed by the police, customs and prosecution services and thus enhance their training methods
- to inform police and prosecution services about interpreting techniques and how these techniques can assist them in their work when properly implemented.
We have chosen to focus on the very first step of criminal proceedings as it has a decisive impact on all following stages. We are convinced that a comparative study of practices in our six countries illustrated by six films will help better understand the strategies of the various parties involved and help improve the quality of interpreters’ and interviewing officers’ training. On the basis of these results joint training modules will be designed and tested in a future project.
The format of this project, i.e. the presentation of the system in each of the six member states followed by a discussion, and illustrated by six films will give trainers in both areas (prosecution and police services on the one hand and interpreter trainers on the other hand) the opportunity to become familiar with each other’s needs and thus adapt and develop specific curricula. Regular joint training modules will also be recommended.
The three stages to be implemented by each partner to facilitate comparability are as follows:
1. Preparatory work by each partner:
- a. Drafting a factsheet about current practices in police and prosecution interviews – the factsheets will be sent to the other partners for preparation
- b. Recruiting one or two trainers teaching interviewing techniques for the roundtable
- c. Asking one of the partners to present the interpreting methods and strategies taught
- d. Recruiting interpreters to interpret the roundtable into English
- e. Organising a conference room and a buffet
- f. Inviting interested stakeholders (associations, justice, police, etc.)
- g. Preparing the film to illustrate the different interviewing strategies with interpreters
2. During the meeting and roundtable
- a. Moderation of the preparatory meeting among partners
- b. Moderation of the round table
- c. Moderation of the wrapping-up meeting
3. After the round table
- a. Local report to be part of the final report
4. The final results will be presented at a major conference to be held in Paris. Guest speakers, partners, representatives of the legal profession and of other professional associations and members of the press will be invited. The films will be presented in the context of a report to be published in hard copy and accessible online, a starting point for new synergies between the various professions as well as for further research projects.
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