NETPRALAT: NETworking to strengthen pre-trial procedural rights by PRActice oriented cross-border LAwyers Training
- 2018 to 2020
- Kick-off meeting: 22-23 October 2018, Barcelona, Spain
- Project website:
The project has two inter-twined objectives: firstly, to contribute to the effective implementation and application of EU procedural rights’ Directives (2010/64/EU, 2012/13/EU, 2013/48/EU) by EU lawyers at pre-trial stages of the proceedings, and secondly, to promote cross-border cooperation of lawyer training providers on these issues (and in the future possibly beyond on other issues of EU law training). To achieve this, the project will capitalise, and expand on the results of the SUPRALAT project (JUST/2014/JTRA/AG/EJTR/6844), both in terms of the training content developed and the contacts nurtured during the lifespan of SUPRALAT. The current project will be complementary to SUPRALAT in that:
- It will develop additional training content relevant to the implementation of EU Directives that have recently entered into force (2010/64/EU, 2012/13/EU, 2013/48/EU) as well as other topics that were not addressed in SUPRALAT but were identified as very important by lawyers (e.g. cooperation with interpreters)
- It will result in the establishment of a formal cross-border network of lawyer training providers, which will initially cooperate on the development and delivery of the training on the above-mentioned topics, and subsequently – on other issues relevant to EU law training.
The project has just reached the end of the first of two years, and the results are already tangible for our association: we’ve cooperated with Estonian, French, Lithuanian, Polish and Spanish bars as well as with the university of Maastricht; spoken before several lawyers from such countries; prepared new modules; recorded a film (with the support of the Court of Justice of the EU); our Polish (TEPIS) and Spanish (APTIJ) associations have translated (and still have a lot to do) all partners’ contributions – that are already posted on the NetPraLat website:
We’ve raised awareness within a profession that in many cases considers (legal) interpreters as an obstacle more than an indispensable support. The fact that all the texts elaborated for the project can be found on the website and can therefore be read by many more lawyers and legal operators is fundamental for legal interpreters and an excellent “shop-window” for EULITA.
We therefore invite all of you to visit the site in order to have access to its platform – follow the webinars, read the modules and the Guide, etc. – you need a password that you can get using the address: which you’ll find at the bottom of the first page.
Project partners:
- Catalan Bar Association (CICAC)
- University of Maastricht (UM)
- Catalan Organization for the Defense of Human Rights (IRIDIA)
- Lithuanian Human Rights Monitoring Institute (HRMI)
- Polish National Bar Association (NBAP)
- European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association (EULITA)