Ongoing EU projects
NETworking to strengthen pre-trial procedural rights by PRActice oriented cross-border LAwyers Training
- 2018 to 2020
- Kick-off meeting: 22-23 October 2018, Barcelona, Spain
Project partners:
- Catalan Bar Association (CICAC)
- University of Maastricht (UM)
- Catalan Organization for the Defense of Human Rights (IRIDIA)
- Lithuanian Human Rights Monitoring Institute (HRMI)
- Polish National Bar Association (NBAP)
- European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association (EULITA)
Child victims of trafficking: Access to Protection and Information based on their specific needs during Criminal Investigation and procEedings
CAPISCE is an EU project whose coordinator is ECPAT (End child prostitution, child pornography and trafficking of children for sexual purposes) France.
The other EULITA partners are ECPAT Belgium, ECPAT the Netherlands, ECPAT Italy and AFL (Acting for Life, la Vie pas la survie).
Several are the objectives of this project, first of all, an adequate protection during investigation and criminal proceedings for victims of trafficking – more specifically children – including a protection of their privacy and the right to avoid contact with offenders.
Some EU instruments already exist to ensure access to justice and the right to be protected in legal procedures for child victims of trafficking in the EU Member States: Directive 2011/36, on trafficking of human beings; Dir. 2011/93, on sexual exploitation of children; the first «”Commission report on the progress made in the fight against trafficking”.
The set of measures to ensure protection of the rights of child victims is quite comprehensive and was further strengthened by Directive 2012/29, on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime, adopted within the ‘Budapest roadmap’ for strengthening the rights, support and protection of victims, in particular in criminal proceedings.
The role of EULITA within this important project is quite challenging: to train interpreters whose task will be to assist victims – especially child victims of awful crimes – before the judge.
The training will essentially concern languages of lesser diffusion and cover technical aspects such as the modes of interpretation to be used at court but also the instruments that can help interpreters to face their difficult task from a psychological point of view.
The kickoff meeting was held in Paris on October 9 and the project will last two years.