FRA – European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
European Lawyers Foundation (CCBE)
Leap, Legal Experts Advisory Panel
by Erik Hertog, Professor emeritus, KU Leuven
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights has informed us of the following publications:
- Handbook on European data protection law
- Handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration
- Handbook on European non-discrimination law
- Handbook on European law relating to the rights of the child
Description of the French legal system
Links provided by Michelle Seurin Marzouk, Conseillère à la cour d’appel de Versailles
- http://www.justice.gouv.fr/art_pix/french_legal_system.pdf (English)
- http://www.justice.gouv.fr/publication/plaquette_jef_organisation_fr.pdf (French)
TRAINAC final report:
Assessment, good practices and recommendations on the right to interpretation and translation, the right to information and the right of access to a lawyer in criminal proceedings
2016 Update: Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights on the right to language assistance in criminal proceedings
by James Brannan, Translator, European Court of Human Rights
JUSTICIA European Rights Network
Looking back while going forward: 15 years of legal interpreting in the EU
By Erik Hertog, Professor emeritus, KU Leuven
Court translator-interpreters in France – Are they true experts?
L’interprète-traducteur en justice en France – est-il un expert à part entière?
Communiqué given by Georges Moukheiber, President of CRETA, at the General Meeting of the European Expertise and Expert Institute held in Rome on 30th May 2015
The administration of justice in a multilingual society – open to interpretation or lost in translation?
By Steven M. Kahaner
By Steven M. Kahaner
“You Don’t Have to Hear, Just Interpret!”: How Ethnocentrism in the California Courts Impedes Equal Access to the Courts for Spanish Speakers
By Roxana Cardenas
By Roxana Cardenas
Protecting the Rights of Linguistic Minorities: Challenges to Court Interpretation
By Charles M. Grabau, Llewellyn Joseph Gibbons
By Charles M. Grabau, Llewellyn Joseph Gibbons
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