QUALETRA, a project on Quality of Legal Translation funded by the European Commission, was set up in response to Directive 2010/64/EU of the European Parliament and the Council on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings and focuses on training, testing and assessing legal translators and training legal practitioners in the area of criminal proceedings.
QUALETRA focuses on the development of training materials and the implementation of training programmes in order to improve the training of legal translators and practitioners to interact efficiently with police, prosecutors, court staff, judges, lawyers and professionals providing victim support. The project is expected to develop a systemic chain of quality assurance, which includes assessment of the specific needs of the EU Member States, and EU-wide certified training materials (through ECQA, the European Certification and Qualification Association).
The project will contribute to the development of common minimum standards of procedural rights in criminal proceedings, in order to ensure that the basic rights of suspected and accused persons are protected sufficiently. Such common minimum standards are necessary for judicial decisions taken by EU Member States to be recognised by other Member States according to the principle of mutual recognition.
Two important aspects of QUALETRA are the assessment of legal translation and the training of both translators (legal training) and legal practitioners (language training). We would like to obtain up-to-date information on these issues and would be very grateful if you could complete the two surveys that you can find by clicking on the links below (surveys are closed):
Assessment of legal translation
Please forward these surveys to colleagues who have experience in evaluating legal translation and/or providing legal training for translators and/or language training for legal practitioners. The deadline for submitting the completed questionnaires is 31st May 2013.
Thank you for your help.
Prof. Dr Hendrik J. Kockaert
KU Leuven
Prof. Dr Federica Scarpa
University of Trieste (UniTS)
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