Upcoming Events
Legal translation and interpreting: New challenges, new opportunities for signed and spoken language interpreters
28 October 2020 from 6:30pm to 8:30
Webinar organised by efsli and EULITA and held by Prof. Patricia Kerres from Louvain School of Translation and Interpreting – LSTI – Belgium. It is designed for spoken and signed language interpreters.
IV International Conference of Economic, Business, Financial and Institutional Translation
7-8 December 2020
Faculty of Applied Languages, French University in Egypt, Cairo
More information: bit.ly/2tGiRZi
Transius Conference
organised by the Centre for Legal and Institutional Translation Studies (Transius) of the University of Geneva’s Faculty of Translation and Interpreting (FTI) in cooperation with IAMLADP’s Universities Contact Group (UCG)
30 June to 2 July 2021
Geneva, Switzerland
More information: transius.unige.ch
Past events
Tenth General Assembly of EULITA
- 29 June 2020
- Online Zoom meeting (the invitation link will be sent directly to all registered members)
Congrès sur la Traduction en Francophonie
organised by Chambre Belge des Traducteurs et Interprètes (CBTI)
8-9 May 2020
Wallonia Conference Center Mons, Belgium
More information: www.ctf2020.org
Jurilinguistics III: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Language and Law
1-2 October 2020
University of Cambridge
More information: www.jurilinguistica.com
Procedural Rights in the EU: Status Quo and the Need for Further Measures
organised by ERA (Academy of European Law)
27-28 February 2020
More information and registration: www.era.int
Face-to-face and online conference:
15 February 2020
More info: www.aptij.es
NETPRALAT Webinar: “Interpreting – Issues for the Accused in the police station and court”
by Mrs. Gillian Mawdsley, Law Society of Scotland, Criminal Law Committee
19 December, 10.30 a.m. (9.30 a.m. UK)
free webinar, enrollment needed, contact: manager@netpralat.eu
Translation and Interpreting 4.0 – New Ways in the Digital Age
organised by the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ)
22-24 November 2019
Bonn, Germany
- More information: www.uebersetzen-in-die-zukunft.de
- Call for papers: (English) (German)
Face-to-face and online course:
Traducción de resoluciones judiciales (alemán-español)
organised by APTIJ (Asociación Profesional de Traductores e Intérpretes Judiciales y Jurados)
22-23 November 2019
Madrid, Spain, and online
More information: www.aptij.es
InDialog conference
organised by the University of Antwerp and KU Leuven in collaboration with ENPSIT (European Network for Public Service Interpreting & Translation)
21-22 November 2019
Antwerp campus, Belgium
More information: www.indialog-conference.com
Transius Talk by Catherine Way: “Laying the foundations for legal translation: macrostructural analysis”
8 November 2019
University of Geneva, Switzerland
More information: transius.unige.ch
Face-to-face and online course:
Derecho para traductores: nociones básicas de Derecho procesal penal
organised by APTIJ (Asociación Profesional de Traductores e Intérpretes Judiciales y Jurados)
25-26 October 2019
Madrid, Spain
More information: www.aptij.es
4th Luxembourgish Translation and Interpreting Day
organised by the Luxembourg Association of Translators and Interpreters (ALTI)
28 September 2019
Dudelange, Luxembourg
More information: www.traducteurs-interpretes.lu
6th International Conference on Translatology and Translations
Translating beyond the Language: between Interdisciplinarity and Translation
20-21 September 2019
University of Lodz, Poland
Training course “Assistenza linguistica per l’ambito giudiziario”
Course period: November 2018 to April 2019
Deadline for enrolment: 1 October 2018
University of Bologna, Italy
More information: Brochure | Course website
“The Impact of Interpreters on the Judiciary at National and International Level”
International Conference organised by EULITA and ALTI
and Ninth General Assembly of EULITA
28-29 March 2019
Court of Justice of the European Union, Plateau de Kirchberg, Luxembourg
- More information and registration (open until 14 March 2019)
- Conference programme
5th International Conference on Translatology and Translations
Language – Translation – Identity
organised by the University of Łodz
7-9 December 2018
University of Łodz, Faculty of Languages
International Seminar on Translation and Interpreting (ISTrI) 2018: “Technology and Media in Translation & Interpreting (T&I): Current Trends, Issues & Challenges”
organised by the Translation and Interpreting Research Unit (UniTI), Universiti Sains Malaysia, and the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing
17 – 19 October 2018
Hotel Jen Penang, Malaysia
More information: www.istri2018.usm.my
1st International Conference
“Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Communication for Asylum Seekers and Refugees (CIICAR)”
organised by the Interglosia research group of the University Pablo de Olavide of Seville
10-11 October 2018
University Pablo de Olavide of Seville, Spain
International scientific conference “Translators and Challenges of the Third Millennium”
organised by the Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of Serbia
5-6 October 2018
Palace Hotel, Belgrade
More information: savetovanje.prevodi.rs/en
EULETA (European Legal English Teachers’ Association) Legal English Conference 2018
27-28 September 2018
University of Split, Croatia
More information: euleta36.wildapricot.org/events
SIGLaR interdisciplinary workshop “Language Rights: Issues and Good Practices”
21-22 September 2018
University of Warsaw
More information: siglar-2018.uw.edu.pl
3e Journée Luxembourgeoise de la Traduction et de l’Interprétation
organised by ALTI (Association luxembourgeoise des traducteurs et interprètes)
21 September 2018
Centre national de littérature, Mersch
More information: www.traducteurs-interpretes.lu
International conference “The Nuremberg Trials and Conference Interpreting: End of a Regime, Beginning of a Profession”
and inauguration of the exhibition “One Trial – Four Languages”
organised by the Slovene Association of Conference Interpreters (ZKTS) in cooperation with the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC)
Conference: 14 September 2018
Exhibition: 11-23 September 2018
Ljubljana, Slovenia
efsli 2018 AGM & Conference: “Interpreting in Employment Settings: You are (f/h)ired!”
14-16 September 2018
Dubrovnik, Croatia
More information: efsli.org/2018/
Scandinavian Language Associations’ Meeting (SLAM!) 2018
15 September 2018
More information: www.slamconf.com
13th International Legal Forum
“Legal Translation and Interpreting in a Changing World: Technology – Outsourcing – Shifts”
organised by the FIT Task Force for Legal Translation and Interpreting (LTI) in cooperation with ATICOM
6-8 September 2018
Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Bonn, Germany
International Conference on Economic, Business, Financial and Institutional Translation
27-29 June 2018
University of Alicante, Spain
More information (ES-EN-FR-CA)
Website: https://dti.ua.es/en/tradeco/iii-icebfit/iii-international-conference-on-economic-business-financial-and-institutional-translation.html
20 June 2018
KU Leuven Campus Sint-Andries, Antwerp, Belgium
More information: https://www.arts.kuleuven.be/english/rg_interpreting_studies/research-projects/co-minor-in-quest-ii/index
Transius Conference 2018
organised by the Centre for Legal and Institutional Translation Studies (Transius) in collaboration with IAMLADP’s Universities Contact Group (UCG)
18-20 June 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
More information: transius.unige.ch
International Conference on Standardization of Language Resources and Translation and Interpreting (2018)
16-17 June 2018
Hangzhou, China
More information
International Interdisciplinary Conference “Eurolanguage in Private International Law. Legislating, Translating and Applying”
14 June 2018
Sala de Juntes, Faculty of Law, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona)
More information
Legal Symposium / AIIC Legal Interpreting Committee
5-8 June 2018
San Francisco, United States
More information and registration: https://www.eulita.eu/registration-form-legal-symposium-aiic-legal-interpreting-committee/
EULITA Conference “Status and Recognition of Legal Interpreters and Translators Today”
and Eighth General Assembly of EULITA
Conference: 16-17 March 2018
General Assembly: 17 March 2018
- Call for papers: (English) (French) – open until 15 January 2018
- Registration form: (English) – open until 2 March 2018
- Conference programme: (English)
ECBA Spring Conference 2018
20-21 April 2018
Oslo, Norway
More information: www.ecba.org
1st International Caparica Conference in Translational Forensics
26e réunion exceptionnelle du Groupe de travail interministériel sur la traduction (GIT):
Congreso APTIJ X Aniversario
6. Fachkonferenz Sprache und Recht
BDÜ (German Association of Interpreters and Translators)
Improving Detention Conditions at EU Level
- Follow-up to the EU Green Paper on the application of EU criminal justice legislation in the field of detention
- State of play of EU action in the field of detention
- Best practice in relation to supervision of detention conditions
- Good practices in prison management
- Update on the proper implementation of Framework Decisions 829, 909 and 947 and the European Arrest Warrant in relation to detention
- Conference (including Translating Europe Workshop “New Developments in Legal Translation”): 30-31 March 2017
- General Assembly: 1 April 2017
More information:
- Conference: PROGRAMME (English / French / German)
- Conference: registration form (English) (French) (German) – registration is now closed
- Translating Europe Workshop: PROGRAMME (English)
- Translating Europe Workshop: registration form (English) (German) – registration is now closed
- Call for papers: (English) (French) (German)
The International Interdisciplinary Social Inquiry Conference (IISIC) aims to bring together scholars, teachers and practitioners from different disciplines from around the world to collaborate in thinking through and planning responses to local and global issues such as people movement, environmental, urban and indigenous issues.
The IISIC 2016 conference has been organised in collaboration with RMIT University (Melbourne, Australia), Uludag University (Bursa, Turkey), Istanbul University (Istanbul, Turkey) and the Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS, Melbourne, Australia).
For more information, please visit the RMIT University website.
Institut de Linguistique de l’Université d’Adam Mickiewicz de Poznan (Poland)
The identification of the problems which often occur, highlighted by feedback from a questionnaire given to Public Prosecutors and judges from the Criminal Section of the Court and lawyers, will be the focus for a joint formulation of common guidelines aimed at improving the efficient running of the Court’s work, as well as guaranteeing fair trials, the right to defence of suspects, defendants, victims and witnesses in accordance with the EU Directive 2010/64/EU, Directive 2012/29/EU and Directive 2012/13/EU.
- Main issues in various Court contexts: survey’s findings – recurring problems – some solutions.
- Professional Ethics: The Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibilities- Ethical Features- the Interpreter as a court appointed expert and as a private consultant for the defence.
- Consequences: When the Code of Ethics is not respected- what are the legal consequences? – Safeguarding of Fundamental Rights.
- Conference: 8-9 April 2016
- General Assembly: 9 April 2016
The FIT Committee for Legal Translation and Interpretation announces
Der Richter und sein Dolmetscher – gut gedolmetscht, fair verhandelt
Symposium on: “The role of Translators and Interpreters in Social Inclusion”
CIUTI Forum 2015 – Pillars of communication in times of uncertainty
Final conference “Children and Justice: Overcoming Language Barriers”
The final conference of the Co-Minor-IN/QUEST project “Children and Justice: Overcoming Language Barriers” will be held on 13-14th November 2014 at KU Leuven, Campus Antwerp. During this two-day conference, the findings of the Co-Minor-IN/QUEST project will be presented. Keynote speakers from various European countries and professional fields (police, justice, psychology, child support and interpreting) will discuss current practices in interpreter-mediated communication with children, particularly in the pre-trial phase of criminal cases. Special attention will also be paid to working with highly vulnerable children.
2015 Transius Conference in Geneva
The Centre for Legal and Institutional Translation Studies (Transius) of the University of Geneva will hold its first international conference from 24 to 27 June 2015. The 2015 Transius Conference will combine two complementary events: a conference on Law, Translation and Culture (LTC5) organised in collaboration with the Multicultural Association of Law and Language (MALL), and a legal and institutional translation seminar organised in collaboration with IAMLADP’s Universities Contact Group (UCG).
Confirmed keynote speakers include Prof. Susan Šarčević, Prof. Łucja Biel and Prof. Jan Engberg. The call for contributions was published in early August. We invite you to submit your proposals in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish by 18 October 2014. For more details on the main topics of interest and on the call for papers and posters, please visit the conference website:
Registration will open in October.
Legal Translation – A Challenge to Translation Theory and Translation Practice
Workshop – Call for participation
Stefanos Vlachopoulos, workshop organizer, Technological Educational Institution of Epirus, Greece, has asked us to announce the following event:
Everyone has the right to be informed promptly and in detail in a language which he/she understands about the nature and cause of the accusation against him/her (European Convention on Human Rights).
With the Directive 2010/64/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 20 October 2010 on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings and the Directive 2012/13/EU of 22 May 2012 on the right to information in criminal proceedings the first two acts concerning the introduction of common fundamental rights in the EU member countries have been presented. Both directives are expected more or less to rub off on the translation and interpreting services provided in police departments or in courts.
The Directive 2010/64/EU emphasises the need for high quality translation and interpreting services in hearings and criminal proceedings so as to safeguard the fair treatment of foreigners ignorant of the national language before police and court authorities.
Although translators and interpreters in criminal proceedings should be able to safeguard translation and interpreting services of uncompromising quality, this is not always the case. Translation and interpreting in hearings and courts is handled differently not only internationally but also within the same jurisdiction. The use of laypersons or the cheapest alternatives force both authorities and foreigners to make crucial decisions on the basis of poor translation and interpreting services.
We welcome proposals addressing the following topics (but do not rule out other more general proposals):
- Strength and weakness of the Directives
- The transposition oft he Directives 2010/64/EU and 2012/13/EU in the member states
- Professional changes associated with the transposition of the Directives
- The implications for the transposition for the training and assessment of legal translators and court interpreters
- Good practices associated with the Directives
Proposals should be sent to legaltranslation@translata.info by 30th June 2014. Notification of paper acceptance will be sent by 31st July 2014. Acceptance of your submitted contribution entails automatic registration for the TRANSLATA II conference and conference fees apply.
First International SOS-VICS Conference “Building communication bridges in gender violence” to be held on 25 and 26 September 2014 at the University of Vigo, Spain
The approval in Spain of Basic Law 1/2004 of 28th December, 2004, on Comprehensive Protection Measures against Gender Violence has greatly contributed to fighting gender violence. However, the problem is still present in our society and statistics indicate that the nmber of gender violence cases among foreign women is extremely high in Spain and other EU countries.
In Spain, the law provides that professionals who assist victims/survivors of gender violence should receive specialised training and therefore, interpreters must be provided specialised training in this field in order to cater to the communication rights of these women. The project Speak Out for Support (SOS-VICS) is creating tools for such specialised training of interpreters and is simultaneously striving to make the public administration aware of the need to work with professional, specialised interpreters. This project began in November, 2012, and will end in October, 2014. It will culminate with the First International SOS-VICS Conference entitled “Building communication bridges in gender violence” which will be held in Vigo, Spain, on 25th and 26th September, 2014.
New Tasks for Legal Interpreters and Translators in the Enlarged Europe
On the occasion of the 4th General Assembly of EULITA, this conference will be hosted by TEPIS (Polish Society of Sworn and Specialized Translators) in cooperation with ÖVGD (Austrian Association of Certified Court Interpreters) in Krakow, Poland, from 3 to 5 April 2014.
Conference languages: English, German and Polish.
In 2004, ten countries, primarily in Central and Eastern Europe, became EU members. Both the acquis communautaire and EU Directive 2010/64 on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings triggered major changes in the legal and professional status of interpreters and translators working in judicial settings. On the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the EU Enlargement, the Krakow Conference would like to provide a platform for judicial stakeholders and trainers of legal interpreters and translators to report about the main challenges and achievements of this past decade. Contributors are requested to send abstracts (max. 250 words) of their papers and short CVs to tepis@tepis.org.pl by 31st December 2013.
- Papers
- Final Programme
- Registration Form (English)(German)(Polish)
- Hotel information and reservation forms
Translation and Interpreting for society and the institutions
21-22 November 2013 – the University of Trieste will host a conference, marking the end of a 2-year local project on “Needs and training needs in cross-linguistic communication in police and court settings”. The conference will be held at the Aula Magna, via Filzi 14.
The following speakers have already confirmed their participation: Barbara Ahrens (Cologne), Elio Ballardini (Forlì), Sabine Braun (Surrey), Mira Kadric (Vienna), Liese Katschinka (EULITA), Luca Luparia (Milan), Isabelle Perez (Edinburgh), Mette Rudvin/Christopher Garwood (Bologna/Forlì), Heidi Salaets (Antwerp).
Info: cfalbo@units.it, mviezzi@units.it
XXth FIT World Congress, Berlin, Germany, 4-6 August 2014
Every three years, the International Federation of Translators FIT (Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs) invites the industry to an international congress in a different country. Following successful events in Shanghai in 2008 and San Francisco in 2011, the XXth FIT World Congress will take place from 4 to 6 August 2014 in Berlin. The World Congress provides a meeting place for experts from the profession and major players from outside – on an international level. It is a forum for an exchange of experience, skill enhancement and networking. The Congress is aimed at interpreters, translators and terminologists, and their clients, representatives of governmental authorities, university teachers and students. Attendance at the FIT World Congress is open to all those interested, whether members of an association or not.
The FIT Committee for Court Interpreting and Legal Translation is organizing its next forum in Belgrade, Serbia. The conference is hosted by UPIT (Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of Serbia). For more details read here:
- Final Programme
- Preliminary Programme
- Registration Form (en)(fr)
- Call for Papers
Memorium Project: Modern (court) interpreting began in Nuremberg – this year’s series of events is dedicated to interpreting. European developments and particularly German court practices will be addressed on 6 October 2013.
Announcing the conference Language and the Law – Bridging the Gaps, the first International Conference to be jointly sponsored by ALIDI (the newly formed Association for Language and Law for Speakers of Portuguese) and the IAFL (the International Association of Forensic Linguists).
- First Call for Papers
- Chamada de Trabalhos – Congresso Linguagem e Direito
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