The recommendations of the Qualitas Project: Assessing Interpreting Quality through Testing and Certification are now available. These recommendations are the outcome of two years’ work by a project team of 14 experts from 7 member states and offer straightforward strategies, which are both methodologically sound and cost-effective, on how to design and develop tests and establish a certification process. Specific information is included on languages of lesser diffusion and the use of new technologies in testing. Member State Profiles and an interactive map are also available. Anyone with suggestions for modification of the profiles are invited to submit those through the help desk in order to keep the information provided as up-to-date as possible. Both print and electronic versions of the Qualitas publication are available.
A HELP DESK has also been established to provide assistance to interested parties from any EU Member State or beyond. Project members are available for individualized consultation on any topic related to testing and certification including the development of test specifications, test instrument design, the administration of certification schemes, evaluation methods, the use of remote interpreting, and options for languages of lesser diffusion. The goal is to help Member States meet the stipulations set out in Directive 2010/64/EU and ensure that quality standards are understood and met throughout the EU.
Questions and/or comments can be submitted by going to and clicking on "Qualitas Help Desk."
To receive a print copy of the project publication, please use the Help Desk to request one. Provide a name and full address and a copy will be sent to you promptly.
Cynthia Giambruno, Qualitas project
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