On 29 September 2017, the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ) awarded the annual Hieronymus Prize 2017 for exemplary achievements in the field of multilingual communication during its festivities on the occasion of International Translation Day in Erfurt, Germany. This year, the award was bestowed upon the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, which was nominated by the ranks of its in-house language service for exemplary collaboration with translators and interpreters and has been instrumental in bringing war criminals to justice.
In explaining their decision, the jury commented: “By awarding this prize, the BDÜ recognises not only the organisation and its work, but also the activities of the language experts who have achieved incredible things in recent years. Translators and interpreters worked in new areas of international law, medicine and forensics, dealing with military documents, historical backgrounds of ethnic conflicts and shocking testimonies, among others."
For more information, see the full press release by BDÜ: http://www.bdue.de/fileadmin/files/PDF/Presseinformationen/170930_BDUE_MI_Hieronymustag_EN.pdf