The Commission awarded the grant to the project NetPraLat (NETworking to strengthen pre-trial procedural rights by PRActice-oriented cross-border LAwyers Training) whose beneficiaries are the Catalan Bar Association (CICAC), the Catalan Organization for the Defense of HR (IRIDIA), the Lithuanian HR Monitoring Institute (HRMI), the Polish National Bar Association (NBAP) and EULITA. The Estonian Bar Association, the Perpignan Bar Association and the Bergen Bar Association are associate partners.
The administrative procedure is ongoing, the project activities will start on 1 October.
JudInterp (to improve JUDge – INTERPreter cooperation), the second project we had proposed together with ISIT Paris, the Warsaw University, the Autonomous University of Madrid and the ZFW University of Hamburg within the Action Plan 2014-2018, was not approved by the Commission.
The idea of the partners is to relaunch it taking into account the comments made by the Commission.