We have received the following press release from our Luxembourg member: "Pour la deuxième année consécutive, l’Association luxembourgeoise des traducteurs et interprètes (ALTI) a organisé une conférence professionnelle consacrée aux métiers de la traduction et de l’interprétation à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la traduction, désormais reconnue par les Nations Unies. Près de 70...
Author: ppadm
BDÜ awards Hieronymus Prize 2017 to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
On 29 September 2017, the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ) awarded the annual Hieronymus Prize 2017 for exemplary achievements in the field of multilingual communication during its festivities on the occasion of International Translation Day in Erfurt, Germany. This year, the award was bestowed upon the International Criminal Tribunal for the former...
Legal interpreting in Greece: DIDI is underway
DIDI is a research project co-funded by the Hellenic Republic and the European Social Fund and it deals with the interpreting before police and court authorities between non-Greek speakers and public servants in Greece. DIDI was officially initiated on October 15th 2012 and is in his first steps. The two-year project has been launched by the Department of Applied Foreign Languages in Management and Commerce, Epirus Institute of Technology.
Seminar on EU Directive 2010/64 in Braga on 15 March 2013
BabeliUM/Universidade do Minho and the Law School at University of Braga are organizing a one-day event focusing on issues set forth in the EU Directive on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings. Eminent speakers from the Portuguese public sector, as well as practitioners of legal interpreting and translation will discuss the salient point requiring transposition. Please contact Fernando Goncalves Ferreira Alves [falves@ilch.uminho.pt] for details.
QUALETRA: Launch Conference and Call for Papers
The aim of the Qualetra launch conference is to get an update of the current situation of legal translation in Europe, and to bring together all relevant stakeholders together to discuss the content of the project. The conference is open to practitioners and trainers of legal translation. The registration fee is €50. The number of conference participants is limited to 120. The deadline for registration is 1 March 2013.
The language of the conference is English, interpreting into French will be provided.
STL (Tribunal spécial pour le Liban) – Offre d’emploi
Offre d’emploi - Le service linguistique du Tribunal spécial pour le Liban, sis à La Haye, Pays-Bas, est constamment en recherche de traducteurs qualifiés de langue maternelle française, anglaise ou arabe (les trois langues officielles du tribunal) disposant de préférence d'une formation juridique ou d'une connaissance de la matière juridique.
Save the date! Launch conference of the QUALETRA project: 4 April in London
Save the date of the launch conference for the QUALETRA (Quality in Legal Translation) project. The conference will take place in London, England, on Thursday, 4 April 2013. It will be hosted by London Metropolitan University, one of the project partners. A Call for Papers and details about the conference venue and programme will soon be published on the EULITA website.
The UK Public Accounts Committee released the following press notice today:
“Interpretation services are vital for ensuring fair access to justice. Yet when the Ministry of Justice set out to establish a new centralised system for supplying interpreters to the justice system, almost everything that could go wrong did go wrong.
The Ministry awarded the contract to a company, ALS, that was clearly incapable of delivering. The Ministry had been warned that ALS was too small to shoulder a contract worth more than £1 million, but went ahead and handed them an annual £42 million contract covering the whole country.
APCI conférence: Défis de la traduction et de l’interprétation professionnelles dans le domaine de la justice
L’Association of Police and Court Interpreters a le plaisir de vous annoncer sa première conférence internationale, qui aura lieu au No. 1 Westferry Circus, dans le quartier historique de Docklands, du 4 au 6 avril 2013. La Conférence sera suivie d’une réunion d’information et la troisième Assemblée générale de l’EULITA, qui se tiendront dans l’après-midi du 6 avril. Tous les détails concernant la Conférence se trouvent sur le site de l’APCI au www.apciinterpreters.org.uk.
QUALETRA: Quality in Legal Translation
QUALETRA (Quality in Legal Translation) – EULITA starts work on a new EU project that will focus on legal translation. So far, little attention has been paid to the problems of legal translation, as most projects have prioritized legal interpreting. However, EU Directive 2010/64 also calls for quality translation services for the essential documents in criminal proceedings and specifically also mentions the translations required for the European Arrest Warrant.