L’APCI (Association of Police and Court Interpreters) a invité EULITA à tenir sa prochaine Assemblée générale à Londres (Royaume Uni), le 6 avril 2013 (l’après-midi). Elle sera précédée par une réunion d’information et une conférence intitulée « The Challenges to Professional Translation and Interpreting in the Justice Sector » les 5 et 6 avril (matinée).
Author: ppadm
Invitation à l’atelier TRAFUT qui se tiendra à Anvers du 18 au 20 octobre 2012
EULITA (association européenne d’interprètes et traducteurs juridiques) et la Haute École Lessius d’Anvers ont obtenu le financement par l’Union européenne d’un projet (TRAFUT – Training for the Future) centré sur les aspects concrets de la directive européenne sur le droit à l’interprétation et à la traduction dans le cadre des procédures pénales. Mme Viviane REDING, Vice-présidente de la Commission européenne, a assuré l’équipe du projet TRAFUT de son soutien.
UK court interpreters move forward to find a solution for interpreting services for the UK justice sector
UK court interpreters move forward to find a solution for interpreting services for the UK justice sector. Please find attached the interpreter bodies’ joint letter to Crispin Blunt, MP Minister for Justice.
Conference: To be or not to be … an interpreter
This will be the fourth Lucentino International Symposium organized by the Department of Translation and Interpretation at the University of Alicante. Previous conferences were dedicated to topics related to literary translation, specialized translation and new technologies and their application to the translating process. This fourth session is dedicated to interpreting.
International Criminal Law and Its Development in Practice – The 6th Hague Legal Symposium
The AIIC Legal & Court Interpreting Committee in cooperation with the AIIC Netherlands Region organize a visit to the International Criminal Court and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, followed by the 6th HAGUE LEGAL SYMPOSIUM “International Criminal Law and Its Development in Practice” from Friday 16 to Sunday 18 November 2012. For details see the attached announcement and registration form.
Translation Studies Days
On 20 and 21 September 2012, DGT will organize the second edition of its Translation Studies Days in Brussels, the event where academia, public translation services and the language industry meet to discuss studies covering a wide range of topics regarding translation and multilingualism.
Presentation of the principal findings of the IMPLI project
The results of the IMPLI project will be presented at a conference in Paris on 7 September. You can find the announcement and the details on registration here.
Unanswered questions re UK court interpreting service
Campaign group Interpreters for Justice asks ‘who foots the bill?’ for 3,833 unfulfilled requests for interpreters which Applied Language Solutions (ALS) failed to supply during the first three months of their contract, which was awarded by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ). It also questions why an independent body has not been appointed to review the contractor’s performance.
UK judiciary express concern about court interpreting
The Judiciary has begun to speak out against the private contract for court interpreting awarded by the Ministry of Justice to Applied Language Solutions, owned by Capita, which came into operation on 30th January 2012.
Reflection Forum report available in Spanish
A big thank you to our colleagues at APTJI who translated the Reflection Forum report into Spanish in time for the TRAFUT Workshop in Madrid. A few days ago DG SCIC endorsed the document which is now available on the EULITA website, together with the French and German translations produced by EULITA members.