QUALETRA: Final Conference
QUALETRA: Final Conference
Final Conference
Organised by
KU Leuven, Faculty of Arts – Campus Antwerpen, Antwerp, Belgium (Coordinator)
Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE)
Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland (DCU)
European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA)
European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association (EULITA)
London Metropolitan University, London, United Kingdom (London Met)
Institut de Management et de Communication Interculturels, Paris, France (ISIT)
Riga Graduate School of Law, Riga, Latvia (RGSL)
Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, Spain (UAH)
Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, Spain (Comillas)
University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy (UniTS)
In co-operation with
Conférence internationale permanente d’instituts universitaires de traducteurs et interprètes (CIUTI)
European Certification and Qualification Association (ECQA)
European Master’s in Translation (EMT)
External Experts
The Qualetra consortium is holding its final conference on 16 and 17 October 2014
Click here to register or copy this url to your webbrowser:
The QUALETRA Final Conference is the final activity of the QUALETRA project on training, assessment, certification and accreditation of legal translators in criminal proceedings. The consortium will present the results to all stakeholders and give the floor to external experts. The conference aims to bring together an EU-wide platform for the exchange of best practices and experience. This will lead to a stronger harmonization of training courses and an increased awareness of the issue of quality in legal translation in the Member States. After the conference, selected papers will be published in a special issue of JoSTrans (The Journal of Specialised Translation), and the deliverables will be posted on the EULITA website.
The QUALETRA project contributes towards facilitating transparent, cost-effective criminal proceedings in EU courts, guaranteeing the rights of suspected and accused persons as stipulated in Directive 2010/64/EU.
The conference is open to legal practitioners, legal translators, and their trainers. The early bird registration fee is € 50. After 31 August 2014, the registration fee will be € 75. The deadline for registration is 1 October 2014. Please refer to the preliminary programme in pdf below.
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