Training legal translators without legal training?
Training legal translators without legal training?
Natividad Gallardo San Salvador, Catherine Way, Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación, Universidad de Granada
In this paper we pose several questions related to legal translator training and the competences a translator must acquire to join the professional market.
We discuss:
- Does the translator training at universities fulfil the market needs?
- The competences that a generalist translator must acquire are well defined so far, but does the same occur with legal translator competences?
- Is the legal translator without legal training able to understand the information implicit in a specialised text?
- Recent changes in the specialised translation market have brought an increase in the volume of legal translations, owing to an increase in the legal and commercial relations, but is there any kind of control to assess the quality of the legal translations?
- The sworn translator and accreditation: are the exams adequate for the best selection of future translators? Do the exams reflect the type of translation required by the market?
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